Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Advisory: My trip to the United Kingdom

Dear Friends,
I will be away for few weeks starting this weekend for a holiday in the UK.  My first stop will be London, I hope I can visit more places if time permits.   Hopefully, I could come back with a lot of photos with its exciting stories come first week of December. 

See you all, and thanks for your frequent visit.

(This postcard is with courtesy from an old friend, Ms. Connie, who sent me this from Newcastle Upon Tyne in 2002)

Illustration by David C. Henshaw

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Whenever we travel abroad, it is an added attraction to come across famous universities of ones countries. 

So, make it a point to photograph some of them when you see one, it may not be in your itinerary, but it could be a good record of your journey.  Like these ones!

The University of Sydney

Istanbul University